The Mu'adhin calling the people to the Tarawih after saying Taslim of each pair of Rak`ahs


Q: In some neighboring villages and in the village where I live, it is the custom of people in the month of Ramadan that immediately after finishing the `Isha' (Evening) Prayer, the Mu'adhin (caller to Prayer) calls people to the Tarawih Prayers saying, "Oh nation of Fasting and Optional Prayer! Oh nation of the best of all creatures! Oh nation of the All-knowing King! Stand for the Tarawih Prayer, may Allah reward you!" We then offer a pair of Rak`ahs after which the Mu'adhin repeats the same call as mentioned above. After that, we offer another pair of Rak`ahs after which the Mu'adhin repeats the same call. We do the same practice till the Tarawih Prayers are concluded. As for my question, is it permissible for me to offer Prayer with those people? Please note that there are no other mosques in our village. If it is not permissible for me to offer Prayer with them, does this apply to the Obligatory Prayers and the Tarawih Prayers or the Tarawih Prayers only? If it is not permissible for me to offer the Tarawih Prayers with them, can I offer such Prayers (Part No. 6; Page No. 98

A: Such a call after each pair of Rak`ahs in the Tarawih Prayers (special supererogatory night Prayer in Ramadan) is a Bid`ah which a Muslim is not permitted to do, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Avoid novelties (in religion), for every novelty is an innovation, and every innovation leads to misguidance. Also, he (peace be upon him) said: He who did any act for which there is no sanction from our behalf, that is to be rejected. Thus, you have to forbid people from doing such a practice. If they don't respond to your advice, you have to inform the authority responsible for mosques to prevent such practices and dismiss whoever does not respond to their command and substitute whoever acts upon the Prophetic Sunnah and shun all forms of innovations in religion for such wrong people. If they don't give up such a practice, you should not offer the Tarawih Prayers with them for the wrong practice they do and which you are unable to remove. With regards to the Obligatory Prayers, you can offer them with these people as the wrong practice is done in the Tarawih Prayers only. There is no sin in offering the Tarawih Prayers with your family at home. May Allah bless you for it!May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Constructive and not destructive